The logs were test run this weekendHere are the first 800 bans from a large list. (The ids of the rest have yet to be traced)and more bans will followThis list has come direct from Nexon and is a list of cheaters captured during that period.The new logs will be coming fully online during the next few days.There is no point in making “unban” posts or denying posts .The logs are accurate, down to the exact time the hack was started. Every hack from every source, VIP or free will eventually be captured by these logsThe hacks will work as always, hacking combat arms will be as easy as it ever was. Getting away with hacking combat arms just got much harder.Once the logs are fully functional using any hack will result in a ban.Wondering if your hack is safe to use? Try it, and get banned
There are many names in this list that surprise me, many names that do not surprise me, and a few that have made me very very sad. (You know who you are)All bans here are 100% proven. All have come direct from Nexon, so make no posts about it please!
"Виновный будут наказаны!!!!!!!111111" (с) Мэв
Всем любителям USSR TeaM посвящяется, наш Мишка (MuIiIiIA) милый друг забанен
Пусть идет -[]-... лапу. Влад, мне очень сложно сдержаться и не злорадствовать
Помнится в клеар скай просился, а потом свалил, потому что у нас был сыгранный состав и посторонние не нужны были
Нубарь из партизансов О_о