Guitar Gun походу только за nx ...
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AK47 Gold or AN-94 + 5 Screw Pallets + 5 Plastic Palates = Guitar Gun
L115A3 or m24A3 + 10 Replica Pallets = S 58 Musket
Double Barrel + 7 Replica Pallets = Confederate Double Barrel
rpk-74 or m60 steel + 10 Paper Pallets = Box Gunm14 + 7 Replica Pallets = HR1860
m1911 Knight's +7 Replica Pallets = dragoon
m1911 MEU+ Replica Pallets = C1860N
k5 + Replica Pallets = C1851Ng23 +Replica Pallets = 32SW2
p226 +Replica Pallets = DragoonAnaconda Black + 7replica pallets = 44RemRev
Anaconda Silver + 6 replica Pallets = m1849 Pocket Revolver
M39 EMR Desert or M110 SASS + 10 Replica Pallets =E 57 MusketHow To Forge :
Step 1: Spin the Roulette and get parts
Step 2: trade the parts in for pallets
Step 3: Get a forgeable gun
Step 4: go to Gun Emporium and click forge, than double click the gun you want to forge
Step 5: click auto complete and if you have enouph pallets to forge the gun you want hit forge again
Step 6: click okTip1: the numb er of days you have left on the gun you are forging is how many day you will have your forged gun for
Tip2: Make sure the gun you are forgeing is not equiped to avoid gltiches and crashing(Thanks IUSE2BELEGIT for all the help)
Отредактировано RED_RED (22 мая, 2011г. 21:07:06)